Sumatra Lintong Mandheling, Gayo, grønne kaffebønner, 1kg
DKK 139,00
Klassisk Sumatra med en blød, rig og intens krop, hints af cremet karamel, vanilje og chokolade, en lav syrlighed og en god balance.
1.600 masl - semi washed.
"The most important coffee producing regions in Indonesia are found on the Islands of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi (the former Celebes) and Timor. The cultivation of coffee in Indonesia has a 300 years history; which is closely related to the Dutch colonial rule. The „Lintong“ and „Mandheling“ coffees originated from Sumatra which is located in the West end of the archipelago. This coffee differs substantially in the regional source and the colour. Lintong coffees are named after region Lintong were they are grown. This region is in the province North-Sumatra. Mandheling grows in the province „Aceh“, particularly in the Region of „Gayo“.
The processing is specific because it is neither a wet processing, nor a dry processing. The handpicked coffee cherries were pulped but the remaining pulp is not removed by the traditional fermentation process; but through a manual rubbing with sand. After a few days the pergamino hull is dried by the sun. After drying the brittle pergamino hull will be removed and afterwards the coffee is screened and sorted by colour, size and weight. Apparently the Lintong coffee owes his exotic taste to this special process."
The processing is specific because it is neither a wet processing, nor a dry processing. The handpicked coffee cherries were pulped but the remaining pulp is not removed by the traditional fermentation process; but through a manual rubbing with sand. After a few days the pergamino hull is dried by the sun. After drying the brittle pergamino hull will be removed and afterwards the coffee is screened and sorted by colour, size and weight. Apparently the Lintong coffee owes his exotic taste to this special process."